Visit Stelle
We are a small community, and most of the work that gets done around here is provided as gifts by volunteers. As such, we don’t have an office manager or other staff working normal office hours who can accommodate visitors on an impromptu basis. But if you are interested in Stelle and in learning more about what it is like to live here, there are several options here for you to consider.
Kitty Ring (left - Community Communications) and Becky Wilson (right - Center for Sustainable Community) setting up for an activity in our community center.
join us for an already scheduled event
Kathleen (Kitty) Ring is a long-time resident and volunteers her services as our ‘communications hub’ in Stelle. If there are any community dinners, activities, events or workshops coming up, she will know what and when they are.
For the events open to visitors, you could possibly attend/participate and enjoy meeting and visiting with multiple residents. We very much welcome visitors this way.
And if you’d like to spend a night or two, see our ‘Accommodations’ page.
Kitty can answer your questions and be reached by email:
Susan Fisher
If you are interested in looking at a lot or a home that might be available for sale or rent, Susan is a longtime resident and can answer most questions you might have about living and/or owning property in Stelle.
She will also give you an honest evaluation of the pros and cons of living here. Contact her directly by phone or email to set up a visit.
Reserve a 3-hr. talk and tour - up to 5 people
We will set up a ‘Talk-n-Tour’ for you (typically between 1:30-4:30 on weekdays or weekends). Ask any questions you might have about Stelle and we’ll show you around so you can see the community firsthand. This can include a walk through someone’s home and a quick tour of Midwest Permaculture’s home yard if you are interested. Kitty will organize your visit so that you will meet at least 2-different residents.
Contact Kitty with questions or to set up a date. (
Recommended Donation: $35
Reserve an overnight visit
For more in-depth conversations, with more people, and to learn firsthand what life is like here, this is a perfect option.
Day 1
Late morning - Arrive and get settled in
Noon - Lunch and chat with a resident
2:30 - Two-hour talk-n-tour of Stelle (walk or ride)
5:30 - Dinner and chat with another resident
7:00ish - Casual evening event to meet other residents (optional)
Day 2
Self-serve breakfast from guest supplies in kitchen
9:00 - Follow-up conversations and site visits customized to your areas of interest
11:00 - Check out
Again, contact Kitty Ring with questions and/or to set up a date. (
Overnight Fee (Includes a room in community center and meals):
$120 Single. $150 Couple. $30 each additional Adult. Children under 16-years are free.
Rent a Cabin or Campsite on csc Land
On the CSC’s 8.7-acre site is the Earth Shelter Cabin they built and a tent site in the orchard. Both are available for rent anytime via HipCamp. You can arrange for a tour of the CSC permaculture land project and/or the community of Stelle when you book through HipCamp.
CSC also hosts a 2-hour volunteer work party on the second Saturday of each month, April-November. Occasionally, this gets rained out. Come and work side-by-side with some Stelle residents. Visitors get a free tour afterwards if interested. You can sign up for the work party here or send a message on the same form.
The Earth Shelter Cabin on CSC Property. Rent via HipCamp. The straw, clay and stone came from the immediate area.
Visitors Attending a CSC Work Party.