Water / Sewer Rate Policy
The SCA Board of Directors, at the December Board meeting, approved and adopted the following Water/Sewer Policy. This policy shall remain in force until it is amended or replaced by the SCA Board of Directors.
The Regular Rate per gallon and a Base Rate shall be established by the Board of Directors and voted upon by the Class B membership. This shall be the standard rate charged to Stelle Water System customers.
There shall be a special Agricultural/Landscaping Rate available to SCA members. The intent of this rate is to encourage the watering of trees, plantings, and lawns, etc. during dry periods. The rate shall be 2/3 of the Regular Rate and shall be available under the following guidelines:
1. The SCA Board of Directors shall determine when during the year this rate will be available.
2. To qualify for this rate the member’s water usage must have increased by at least 20% over their normal usage and said increase must be due to usage that does not require subsequent sewage treatment.
3. This rate shall be applied only to the increase usage due to watering. The normal usage shall be billed at the Regular Rate.
There shall be a Crisis Assistance Rate available to SCA members. The intent of this rate is to provide financial relief in the event of mechanical failure of the member’s water system. The following criteria must be met to qualify for this rate:
1. The member’s water usage must be at least double their normal usage and this increase must be caused by an unexpected mechanical failure in their water system.
2. The member must have taken corrective actions as soon as possible after becoming aware of the failure.
3. The member should notify the SCA, as soon as is practical, of any failures that they believe may qualify for this rate.
The Crisis Assistance Rate shall be as follows:
1) the member shall pay the Regular Rate for their normal average water usage.
2) The excess water usage due to mechanical failure will be billed at 20% of the Regular Rate.
3) This rate can be applied to a maximum of $500.00 worth of excess water usage. Any excess usage beyond $500.00 shall be charged at the Regular Rate.
It is expected that the member will provide proof to substantiate the claim should it be requested. The SCA Board of Directors shall make the final determination in all cases involving this rate.
New Construction Hookup Charges
Owner shall pay a one-time hookup charge of $250.00 for the water connection and $250.00 for the sewer connection. The Owner shall also pay for and install a buffalo box on the water service line and a water meter with a remote readout according to SCA policies. Owner shall coordinate the installation/hookups with the Stelle Water Committee. All water and sewer connections must be performed by a licensed and insured contractor approved by the Board.
Per Section 5 of the Stelle Community Association Bylaws, This policy was approved by a majority of Class B members at a membership meeting on December 6, 2008. This policy is in effect on December 6, 2008 and supersedes any billing and payment Policy prior to this date.