Guidelines for planting in right-of-way
1. Before planting on the public right-of-way or greenbelt along your property, please fill out a “Permit for Planting on Public Right-of-Way or Greenbelt” form (located on the bulletin board at the CC). Indicate the type of trees or bushes you want to plant and the location. Also include the size and shape of any raised beds, and materials to be used, including fencing. Submit this form to the Administration and Common Grounds Committee. The Committee will also take into consideration curb appeal, and how much ongoing maintenance is required. You must receive back this form signed and approved by ACG prior to planting.
2. Any plant that produces fruit or nuts must not be planted where the fruit/nuts will fall on the street or city sidewalk when tree reaches maturity.
3. If tree or bush has invasive, shallow roots, do not plant near street or city sidewalk because they will cause the concrete to heave.
4. Do not plant any bushes or low-branched trees that must be regularly trimmed to prevent them from growing over the street or city sidewalk. All plantings should be a minimum of 5 feet from the curb when fully grown.
5. Do not plant any bushes or low-branched trees with thorns.
6. Do not plant trees or bushes that have a lot of sap that will fall on cars and sidewalks below.
7. Do not plant any trees or bushes that are considered to be invasive species.
8. Where the requested area of common ground for private plantings surrounds shared common ground and/or shared walkways or driveways, such as the land surrounding multi-family dwellings, permission from the ACG Committee will be held until all involved parties have agreed to the proposed plantings.
9. Per the SCA Tree Maintenance Policy, it will be the homeowner’s responsibility to maintain the plantings in good condition and to trim/remove the trees/bushes if they become diseased or die. All future owners of the property will be required to maintain the trees/bushes that were planted by the current owners.
10. JULIE, the utility locating company, must be called at least 48 hours prior to digging (811). If you dig before JULIE has marked all the utilities, you will be responsible for any damage to underground utilities.